Monday, October 20, 2014


a time for reflection of the passing day

Every sunset is just a little different. I make it a habit to go out those last few moments before the sun dips down below the horizon, and snap a few photos to capture the beauty painted across the sky. It's a magic time. A time of wonder, a time to reflect upon the passing day and to enjoy watching as the sky darkens and those first few stars make their presence known.

The stars are so brilliant

Prismatic diamonds scattered...
Across a black velvet sky...
Throbbing and pulsing with light
they twinkle with mirth
strobbing their joy
at being alive
and free to play tag
on a cosmic scale.
I long to join their dance
clad only in the skin
that I was born in....
To bath in their glory...
to conquer the universe
in a screaming yodel of ecstasy...
I would capture and ride comets...
Tame them to my will...
I'd travel faster than light
my astral steed.
And sow life amongst
the far off reaches of space...
All night would be spent
exploring the wonders of this universe...
As the stars slowly faded away...
Doomed by the rising orb of fire
the sun...
I would return to my home,
don my dull existence,
and drink a glass of tang...

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