Sunday, October 19, 2014


Where to find it

   There are a lot of poems that have been written about love...finding love....losing love.....forever love.....the list is endless. Some are wonderfully formatted and put together but they tend to get lost in the vast sea of other poems written about love. You can write a poem about anything. Why not try a few poems about the local play ground, or going out shopping? Add something new to what and how you write. Expand your abilities and grow.
... I know many good poets but their poems all start to sound the same after reading a few of them. They either always write about the same topic or write their poems using the same dull format. There is a whole world out there to write about. Inspiration is everywhere. The challenge is learning to utilize what you find and make your poetry more enjoyable for the reader.
   Let's take the great outdoors for example. What do you see out there? Trees, clouds, birds, flowers, traffic, dogs, squirrels, snow, wind, rain, children playing? All are great topics for a poem. You could spend the rest of your life writing poems about what you see just outside your door.
   Activities are another possible source of inspiration. What do you like to do? Do you like fishing or playing basketball? How about ballet or auto racing? Any activity can easily be converted into a poem. 
   Feelings can also inspire your work. How are you feeling? Are you happy? Upset? Frustrated? Sleepy? Hungry? Emotion gives even the blandest subject appeal. Learn to recognize emotion and translate it into what you write.
   People can be a source of inspiration. Family, friends, stars, TV personalities, heroes from the distant past, neighbors, clerks, singers, dancers, that idiot that just cut you off in traffic. Who inspires you? Why do they inspire you?
   Current or past events are also excellent sources of inspiration. War, disease, tragedies, social turmoil, disasters, elections, holidays, anything that has or is happening now or in the past can become a poem.
   Things are another avenue to explore. Dogs, cars, bottles, pills, rocks, chairs, beds, rugs, sinks, tubs, shoes, hats, books, plates....the list is endless.
   In closing I'd like to ask, what inspires you? I've shared where I find my inspirations for my poems.
I'd love to hear where you find yours. I'm going to set something up eventually for challenges, just to make things a little more interesting. 
   Well, that is it for now. It's been fun. Go out there and find some inspiration and create something. See you soon!  

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