Saturday, October 25, 2014

Nightmares Happen

sometimes they feel so real

   My heart is pounding. Cold sweat runs down my forehead. The muscles in my legs are knotted into painful cramps. Adrenalin courses through my system I am wide awake. Glancing up at the clock I note that it is three am. The dream woke me again. No not a dream...this was a nightmare. 
   This time the foul thing grabbed me from behind before I even realized it was there. One minute I was looking out a window taking in the days beauty and then the next thing I knew, the beast was ripping big chunks of flesh from my arms as I struggled in vain to fight my way free. There was no warning. No ominous background music to mark it's presence. It was just suddenly there.  I could smell its odor of decay mixed in with the rich coppery bouquet of my splashing blood. I tried to scream, but all that came out was a whisper of sound, a sigh of despair, of anguish. 
   This has been the most violent attack to date but not the scariest. I well remember the first time all those months ago. I woke up to pitch blackness, a heavy weight upon my chest, it's essence filling my nose and mouth with the taste and smell of rotten meat. Bewildered I tried to get up, but could not. I struggled to work my way free of the invisible weight only to be rewarded by it's sullenly staring eyes inches from my own. The red rimmed orbs lit from within made my heart stutter in my chest, I felt an intense panic even as I fainted from the shock. When I regained consciousness, it was gone, leaving my poor body bruised and sore.
   I don't know what this thing is, where it might have originated from. It's little more than a curdled black shadow with glaring eyes filled with hunger and hate. It has a huge mouthful of curved daggers for teeth. The monsters flesh is cold to the touch, like something dead. I don't think this thing ever wore human flesh. It's not some human come back from the dead. It's got to be something worse, far, far worse than just a ghost. Whatever it is it feels so real.


Lost and alone.
Traveling a dark path
through the unknown.
No moon to light my way.
Strange noises all around.
Heart pounding in fear,
palms sweaty,
mouth dry,
Ready to run...
Something is out there
in the deep shadows
of absolute darkness.
I hear it breathing
harsh and ragged,
somewhere close by.
I freeze unable to move,
afraid to breathe,
almost wetting myself in terror.
Praying to a deity
without any faith.
Something brushes by me.
It is huge,
much bigger than me.
I can feel it's presence
larger than life.
Gasping in panic,
hair lifting upright,
I back away
too late!
It grabs me,
pulling me into its embrace.
My heart skips a beat.
I feel faint.
It's lips brush my ear,
whispering careless secrets.
Sending shivers
like lightning bolts
down my spine.
Gulping back tears
I try to push it away.
Hollow laughter
my reward.
It drags me away
kicking and screaming,
back to the dark place
where nightmares are born.


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